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- name: Check if MySQL is already installed.
stat: path=/etc/init.d/mysql
register: mysql_installed
- name: Update apt cache if MySQL is not yet installed.
apt: update_cache=yes
when: mysql_installed.stat.exists == false
- name: Ensure MySQL Python libraries are installed.
apt: "name=python-mysqldb state=installed"
- name: Ensure MySQL packages are installed.
apt: "name={{ item }} state=installed"
with_items: "{{ mysql_packages }}"
register: deb_mysql_install_packages
# Because Ubuntu starts MySQL as part of the install process, we need to stop
# mysql and remove the logfiles in case the user set a custom log file size.
- name: Ensure MySQL is stopped after initial install.
service: "name={{ mysql_daemon }} state=stopped"
when: mysql_installed.stat.exists == false
- name: Delete innodb log files created by apt package after initial install.
shell: "rm -f {{ mysql_datadir }}/ib_logfile[01]"
when: mysql_installed.stat.exists == false