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11 years ago
iface: eth1
ha_enabled: False
#Variables for <core-site_xml> - common
fs_default_FS_port: 8020
nameservice_id: mycluster3
#Variables for <hdfs-site_xml>
dfs_permissions_superusergroup: hdfs
- /namedir1/
- /namedir2/
dfs_replication: 3
dfs_namenode_handler_count: 50
dfs_blocksize: 67108864
- /datadir1/
- /datadir2/
dfs_datanode_address_port: 50010
dfs_datanode_http_address_port: 50075
dfs_datanode_ipc_address_port: 50020
dfs_namenode_http_address_port: 50070
dfs_ha_zkfc_port: 8019
qjournal_port: 8485
qjournal_http_port: 8480
dfs_journalnode_edits_dir: /journaldir/
zookeeper_clientport: 2181
zookeeper_leader_port: 2888
zookeeper_election_port: 3888
#Variables for <mapred-site_xml> - common
mapred_job_tracker_ha_servicename: myjt3
mapred_job_tracker_http_address_port: 50030
mapred_task_tracker_http_address_port: 50060
mapred_job_tracker_port: 8021
mapred_ha_jobtracker_rpc-address_port: 8023
mapred_ha_zkfc_port: 8018
mapred_job_tracker_persist_jobstatus_dir: /jobdir/
- /mapred1/
- /mapred2/