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11 years ago
#This Playbook configures the mongos service of mongodb
- name: Create the mongos startup file
template: src=../roles/mongos/templates/mongos.j2 dest=/etc/init.d/mongos mode=0655
- name: insert iptables rule for mongos
lineinfile: dest=/etc/sysconfig/iptables state=present regexp="$mongos_port" insertafter="^:OUTPUT " line="-A INPUT -p tcp --dport "$mongos_port" -j ACCEPT"
- name: Apply iptable rule on replication servers also
service: name=iptables state=restarted
- name: Create the mongos configuration file
template: src=../roles/mongos/templates/mongos.conf.j2 dest=/etc/mongos.conf
- name: Copy the keyfile for authentication
copy: src=../roles/mongod/files/secret dest=${mongodb_datadir_prefix}/secret owner=mongod group=mongod mode=0400
11 years ago
- name: Start the mongos service
command: creates=/var/lock/subsys/mongos /etc/init.d/mongos start
- name: pause
pause: seconds=20
11 years ago
- name: copy the file for shard test
template: src=../roles/mongos/templates/testsharding.j2 dest=/tmp/testsharding.js