--- - name: Clone Drush from GitHub. git: repo: https://github.com/drush-ops/drush.git dest: "{{ drush_install_path }}" version: "{{ drush_version }}" update: "{{ drush_keep_updated }}" force: "{{ drush_force_update }}" register: drush_clone - name: Check for composer.json stat: path={{ drush_install_path }}/composer.json register: drush_composer # See: https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-role-drush/issues/6 - name: Ensure Drush can be installed on Debian Wheezy. shell: > {{ composer_path }} update {{ drush_composer_cli_options }} chdir={{ drush_install_path }} when: drush_clone.changed and ansible_distribution == "Debian" and ansible_distribution_release == "wheezy" and drush_composer.stat.exists - name: Install Drush dependencies with Composer. shell: > {{ composer_path }} install {{ drush_composer_cli_options }} chdir={{ drush_install_path }} when: drush_clone.changed and drush_composer.stat.exists - name: Create drush symlink. file: src: "{{ drush_install_path }}/drush" dest: "{{ drush_path }}" state: link - name: Run drush to finish setting it up. command: "{{ drush_path }}" register: drush_result changed_when: "'Execute a drush command' not in drush_result.stdout" become: no