--- # this is a demo of conditional imports. This is a powerful concept # and can be used to use the same recipe for different types of hosts, # based on variables that bubble up from the hosts from tools such # as ohai or facter. # # Here's an example use case: # # what to do if the service for apache is named 'httpd' on CentOS # but is named 'apache' on Debian? # there is only one play in this playbook, it runs on all hosts # as root - hosts: all user: root # we have a common list of variables stored in /vars/external_vars.yml # that we will always import # next, we want to import files that are different per operating system # and if no per operating system file is found, load a defaults file. # for instance, if the OS was "CentOS", we'd try to load vars/CentOS.yml. # if that was found, we would immediately stop. However if that wasn't # present, we'd try to load vars/defaults.yml. If that in turn was not # found, we would fail immediately, because we had gotten to the end of # the list without importing anything. vars_files: - "vars/external_vars.yml" - [ "vars/{{ facter_operatingsystem }}.yml", "vars/defaults.yml" ] # and this is just a regular task line from a playbook, as we're used to. # but with variables in it that come from above. Note that the variables # from above are *also* available in templates tasks: - name: ensure apache is latest action: "{{ packager }} pkg={{ apache }} state=latest" - name: ensure apache is running action: service name={{ apache }} state=running