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- name: Copy my.cnf global MySQL configuration.
src: my.cnf.j2
dest: "{{ mysql_config_file }}"
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
force: "{{ overwrite_global_mycnf }}"
notify: restart mysql
- name: Create slow query log file (if configured).
shell: "touch {{ mysql_slow_query_log_file }} creates={{ mysql_slow_query_log_file }}"
when: mysql_slow_query_log_enabled
- name: Set ownership on slow query log file (if configured).
path: "{{ mysql_slow_query_log_file }}"
state: file
owner: mysql
group: mysql
mode: 0644
when: mysql_slow_query_log_enabled
- name: Ensure MySQL is started and enabled on boot.
service: "name={{ mysql_daemon }} state=started enabled={{ mysql_enabled_on_startup }}"
register: mysql_service_configuration