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- name: copy the webapp
copy: src=ansible-facts-webapp.tgz dest=/opt/
- name: download the play framework
get_url: url= dest=/opt/
- name: extract the play framework
command: chdir=/opt/ unzip
- name: symlink for convenience
file: src=/opt/play-2.1.1 path=/opt/play state=link
- name: extract the webapp folder
command: chdir=/opt/ tar -xvzf ansible-facts-webapp.tgz
- name: Build and compile the webapp
shell: chdir=/opt/webapp export PATH=$PATH:/opt/play-2.1.1/; play clean compile stage
notify: restart play
- name: Copy the ansible hosts file
copy: src=hosts dest=/etc/ansible/hosts
- name: Copy the webapp startup file
copy: src=play.initscript dest=/etc/init.d/play mode=0755
notify: restart play
- name: Start Play
service: name=play state=started enabled=yes