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## Name of the riak node
-name riak@{{ ip_addr }}
## Cookie for distributed erlang. All nodes in the same cluster
## should use the same cookie or they will not be able to communicate.
-setcookie riak
## Heartbeat management; auto-restarts VM if it dies or becomes unresponsive
## (Disabled by default..use with caution!)
## Enable kernel poll and a few async threads
+K true
+A 64
## Treat error_logger warnings as warnings
+W w
{% if ansible_processor_cores == 'NA' or ansible_processor_cores == 1 %}
-smp enable
{% endif %}
## Increase number of concurrent ports/sockets
-env ERL_MAX_PORTS 4096
## Tweak GC to run more often
## Set the location of crash dumps
-env ERL_CRASH_DUMP /var/log/riak/erl_crash.dump
## Raise the ETS table limit
+swt very_low
+P 256000
+zdbbl 65536
-kernel net_ticktime 10
## Begin SSL distribution items, DO NOT DELETE OR EDIT THIS COMMENT
## To enable SSL encryption of the Erlang intra-cluster communication,
## un-comment the three lines below and make certain that the paths
## point to correct PEM data files. See docs TODO for details.
## -proto_dist inet_ssl
## -ssl_dist_opt client_certfile "/etc/riak/erlclient.pem"
## -ssl_dist_opt server_certfile "/etc/riak/erlserver.pem"
## End SSL distribution items, DO NOT DELETE OR EDIT THIS COMMENT