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54 lines
1.5 KiB

pkgbase = caffe
pkgdesc = A deep learning framework made with expression, speed, and modularity in mind (cpu only)
pkgver = 1.0
pkgrel = 15
url =
arch = i686
arch = x86_64
license = BSD
makedepends = boost
makedepends = doxygen
makedepends = texlive-core
makedepends = texlive-latexextra
makedepends = ghostscript
depends = openblas
depends = lapack
depends = boost-libs
depends = protobuf
depends = google-glog
depends = gflags
depends = hdf5
depends = opencv
depends = leveldb
depends = lmdb
depends = python
depends = python-numpy
depends = python-pandas
optdepends = cython
optdepends = python-scipy
optdepends = python-matplotlib
optdepends = ipython
optdepends = python-h5py
optdepends = python-networkx
optdepends = python-nose
optdepends = python-dateutil
optdepends = python-protobuf
optdepends = python-gflags
optdepends = python-yaml
optdepends = python-pillow
optdepends = python-six
optdepends = python-leveldb
optdepends = python-scikit-image
optdepends = python-pydotplus
provides = caffe-cpu
conflicts = caffe-cpu
replaces = caffe-cpu
source = caffe-1.0.tar.gz::
source = Makefile.config
source = caffe-1.0-opencv4-fix.patch
sha256sums = 71d3c9eb8a183150f965a465824d01fe82826c22505f7aa314f700ace03fa77f
sha256sums = 78137e80f764f51c0d4eeed5ce566f3745614b572b481c50197199291d34e2cd
sha256sums = 2072c8ca1393b53ef280a15c43af940cc9bf1419ae32b3d8a6541b10b8cb50e9
pkgname = caffe