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* HX711 library for Arduino - example file
* MIT License
* (c) 2018 Bogdan Necula
#include "HX711.h"
// HX711 circuit wiring
const int LOADCELL_DOUT_PIN = 21;
const int LOADCELL_SCK_PIN = 20;
HX711 scale;
void setup() {
Serial.println("HX711 Demo");
Serial.println("Initializing the scale");
// Initialize library with data output pin, clock input pin and gain factor.
// Channel selection is made by passing the appropriate gain:
// - With a gain factor of 64 or 128, channel A is selected
// - With a gain factor of 32, channel B is selected
// By omitting the gain factor parameter, the library
// default "128" (Channel A) is used here.
Serial.println("Before setting up the scale:");
Serial.print("read: \t\t");
Serial.println(; // print a raw reading from the ADC
Serial.print("read average: \t\t");
Serial.println(scale.read_average(20)); // print the average of 20 readings from the ADC
Serial.print("get value: \t\t");
Serial.println(scale.get_value(5)); // print the average of 5 readings from the ADC minus the tare weight (not set yet)
Serial.print("get units: \t\t");
Serial.println(scale.get_units(5), 1); // print the average of 5 readings from the ADC minus tare weight (not set) divided
// by the SCALE parameter (not set yet)
scale.set_scale(1000.f); // this value is obtained by calibrating the scale with known weights; see the README for details
scale.tare(); // reset the scale to 0
Serial.println("After setting up the scale:");
Serial.print("read: \t\t");
Serial.println(; // print a raw reading from the ADC
Serial.print("read average: \t\t");
Serial.println(scale.read_average(20)); // print the average of 20 readings from the ADC
Serial.print("get value: \t\t");
Serial.println(scale.get_value(5)); // print the average of 5 readings from the ADC minus the tare weight, set with tare()
Serial.print("get units: \t\t");
Serial.println(scale.get_units(5), 1); // print the average of 5 readings from the ADC minus tare weight, divided
// by the SCALE parameter set with set_scale
void loop() {
Serial.print("one reading:\t");
Serial.print(scale.get_units(), 1);
Serial.print("\t| average:\t");
Serial.println(scale.get_units(10), 1);
scale.power_down(); // put the ADC in sleep mode
/* #include <Arduino.h>
#include <HX711.h>
#include <RtcDS3231.h>
int RXLED = 17; // The RX LED has a defined Arduino pin
// Note: The TX LED was not so lucky, we'll need to use pre-defined
// macros (TXLED1, TXLED0) to control that.
// (We could use the same macros for the RX LED too -- RXLED1,
// and RXLED0.)
// 1. HX711 circuit wiring
const int LOADCELL_DOUT_PIN = 21;
const int LOADCELL_SCK_PIN = 20;
// 2. Adjustment settings
const long LOADCELL_OFFSET = 50682624;
const long LOADCELL_DIVIDER = 5895655;
HX711 loadcell;
void setup()
pinMode(RXLED, OUTPUT); // Set RX LED as an output
// TX LED is set as an output behind the scenes
Serial.begin(9600); //This pipes to the serial monitor
Serial.println("Initialize Serial Monitor");
Serial1.begin(9600); //This is the UART, pipes to sensors attached to board
Serial1.println("Initialize Serial Hardware UART Pins");
// 3. Initialize library
void loop()
// Serial.println("Hello world!!!"); // Print "Hello World" to the Serial Monitor
// Serial1.println("Hello! Can anybody hear me?"); // Print "Hello!" over hardware UART
// 4. Acquire reading
Serial.print("Weight: ");
Serial.println(loadcell.get_units(10), 2);
digitalWrite(RXLED, LOW); // set the RX LED ON
TXLED0; //TX LED is not tied to a normally controlled pin so a macro is needed, turn LED OFF
delay(200); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(RXLED, HIGH); // set the RX LED OFF
TXLED1; //TX LED macro to turn LED ON
delay(200); // wait for a second
} */