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#include <stdio.h>
// ex_01
// They are different structures - LEGAL
struct { int x, y; } x;
struct { int x, y; } y;
// ex_02
struct {
double real, imaginary;
} c1 = {.real = 0.0, .imaginary = 1.0},
c2 = {.real = 1.0, .imaginary = 0.0},
// ex_03
struct complex {
double real, imaginary;
struct complex make_complex1(double real, double imaginary) {
struct complex c;
c.real = real;
c.imaginary = imaginary;
return c;
struct complex add_complex1(struct complex c1, struct complex c2) {
struct complex c3;
c3.real = c1.real + c2.real;
c3.imaginary = c1.imaginary + c2.imaginary;
return c3;
// ex_04
typedef struct {
double real, imaginary;
} Complex;
Complex make_complex2(double real, double imaginary) {
Complex c;
c.real = real;
c.imaginary = imaginary;
return c;
Complex add_complex2(Complex c1, Complex c2) {
Complex c3;
c3.real = c1.real + c2.real;
c3.imaginary = c1.imaginary + c2.imaginary;
return c3;
// ex_05
struct date {
int day, month, year;
int day_of_year(struct date d);
int compare_dates(struct date d1, struct date d2);
// ex_06
struct time {
short hours, minutes, seconds;
struct time split_time(long total_seconds);
int main(void) {
long s = 86401 * 5;
struct time t = split_time(s);
printf("%ld seconds is %hd hours, %hd minutes and %hd seconds",
s, t.hours, t.minutes, t.seconds);
return 0;
int day_of_year(struct date d) {
int feb = (d.year % 4 == 0) ? 29 : 28;
int days_in_months[] = {0,
31, feb, 31, 30, 31, 30,
31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
int i, days =;
for (i = 1; i < d.month; i++)
days += days_in_months[i];
return days;
int compare_dates(struct date d1, struct date d2) {
// Trasnforms date into days
int days1 = day_of_year(d1) + d1.year * 365 + (d1.year % 4);
int days2 = day_of_year(d2) + d2.year * 365 + (d2.year % 4);
if (days1 < days2)
return -1;
else if (days1 == days2)
return 0;
return 1;
struct time split_time(long total_seconds) {
struct time t;
t.hours = total_seconds / 3600;
total_seconds %= 3600;
t.minutes = total_seconds / 60;
t.seconds = total_seconds % 60;
return t;