You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/* CHAPTER 5 */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
void broker(void);
void date(void);
void ex_01(void);
void ex_02(void);
void ex_03(void);
void ex_04(void);
void ex_05(void);
void ex_06(void);
void ex_07(void);
void ex_08(void);
void ex_09(void);
void ex_10(void);
void pr_01(void);
void pr_02(void);
void pr_03(void);
void pr_04(void);
void pr_05(void);
void pr_06(void);
void pr_07(void);
void pr_08(void);
void pr_09(void);
void pr_10(void);
void pr_11(void);
int main(void) {
// broker();
// date();
// ex_08();
return 0;
// Calculates a broker's commission
void broker(void) {
float commision, value;
printf("Enter value of trade: ");
scanf("%f", &value);
if (value < 2500.00f)
commision = 30.00f + .017f * value;
else if (value < 6250.00f)
commision = 56.00f + .0066f * value;
else if (value < 20000.00f)
commision = 76.00f + .0034f * value;
else if (value < 50000.00f)
commision = 100.00f + .0022f * value;
else if (value < 500000.00f)
commision = 155.00f + .0011f * value;
commision = 255.00f + .0009f * value;
if (commision < 39.00f)
commision = 39.00f;
printf("Commission: $%.2f\n", commision);
// Prints date in legal form
void date(void) {
int month, day, year;
printf("Enter date (dd/mm/yyyy): ");
scanf("%d /%d /%d", &day, &month, &year );
printf("Dated this %d", day);
switch (day) {
case 1: case 21: case 31:
printf("st"); break;
case 2: case 22:
printf("nd"); break;
case 3: case 23:
printf("rd"); break;
printf("th"); break;
printf(" of ");
switch (month) {
case 1: printf("January"); break;
case 2: printf("February"); break;
case 3: printf("March"); break;
case 4: printf("April"); break;
case 5: printf("May"); break;
case 6: printf("June"); break;
case 7: printf("July"); break;
case 8: printf("August"); break;
case 9: printf("September"); break;
case 10: printf("October"); break;
case 11: printf("November"); break;
case 12: printf("December"); break;
printf(", %.4d.\n", year);
void ex_01(void) {
int i, j, k;
i = 2; j = 3;
k = i * j == 6;
printf("%d\n", k);
i = 5; j = 10; k = 1;
printf("%d\n", k > j < j);
i = 3; j = 2; k = 1;
printf("%d\n", i < j == j < k);
i = 3; j = 2; k = 1;
printf("%d\n", i % j + i < k);
void ex_02(void) {
int i, j, k;
i = 10; j = 5;
printf("%d\n", !i < j);
i = 2; j = 1;
printf("%d\n", !!i + !j);
i = 5; j = 0; k = -5;
printf("%d\n", i && j || k);
i = 1; j = 2; k = 3;
printf("%d\n", i < j || k);
void ex_03(void) {
int i, j, k;
i = 3; j = 4; k = 5;
printf("%d, ", i < j || ++j < k);
printf("%d %d %d\n", i, j, k);
i = 7; j = 8; k = 9;
printf("%d, ", i - 7 && j++ < k);
printf("%d %d %d\n", i, j, k);
i = 7; j = 8; k = 9;
printf("%d, ", (i = j) || (j = k));
printf("%d %d %d\n", i, j, k);
i = 1; j = 1; k = 1;
printf("%d, ", ++i || ++j && ++k);
printf("%d %d %d\n", i, j, k);
// Short -1, 0, 1 return
void ex_04(void) {
int i = 5, j = 5;
printf("%d", (i > j) - (i < j));
void ex_05(void) {
int n = -5;
if (n >= 1 <= 10)
printf("n is between 1 and 10\n");
void ex_06(void) {
int n = -9;
if (n == 1-10)
printf("n is between 1 and 10\n");
void ex_07(void) {
int i = -17;
printf("%d\n", i >= 0 ? i : -i);
void ex_08(void) {
int age = 22;
bool teenager = (age >= 13 && age <= 19);
printf("Folk of age %d is teenager: %d", age, teenager);
void ex_09(void) {
// they seems both equivalent to me
void ex_10(void) {
int i = 1;
switch (i % 3) {
case 0: printf("zero");
case 1: printf("one");
case 2: printf("two");
void ex_11(void) {
int area_code = 404;
switch (area_code) {
case 229:
case 404: case 470: case 678: case 770:
case 478:
case 706: case 762:
case 912:
printf("Area code not recognized");
void pr_01(void) {
int n, digits = 0;
printf("Enter a number: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("The number %d has ", n);
if (n > 0)
if (n > 9)
if (n > 99)
if (n > 999)
printf("%d digits.", digits);
// Convert 24h date to 12h
void pr_02(void) {
int hh, mm;
bool flag;
printf("Enter a 24-hour time: ");
scanf("%2d:%2d", &hh, &mm);
flag = hh / 12;
hh %= 12;
printf("Equivalent 12-hour time: %.2d:%.2d ", hh, mm);
if (flag)
// Broker modified
void pr_03(void) {
float commision, pricePerShare, value;
int shares;
printf("Enter number shares: ");
scanf("%d", &shares);
printf("Enter price per share: ");
scanf("%f", &pricePerShare);
value = (float)shares * pricePerShare;
if (value < 2500.00f)
commision = 30.00f + .017f * value;
else if (value < 6250.00f)
commision = 56.00f + .0066f * value;
else if (value < 20000.00f)
commision = 76.00f + .0034f * value;
else if (value < 50000.00f)
commision = 100.00f + .0022f * value;
else if (value < 500000.00f)
commision = 155.00f + .0011f * value;
commision = 255.00f + .0009f * value;
if (commision < 39.00f)
commision = 39.00f;
printf("\nCommission of broker #1: $%.2f\n", commision);
if (shares < 2000)
commision = 33.00f + .03f * shares;
commision = 33.00f + .02f * shares;
printf("Commission of broker #2: $%.2f\n", commision);
// Beaufort scale
void pr_04(void) {
int speed;
printf("Enter wind speed in knots: ");
scanf("%d", &speed);
if (speed < 1)
else if (speed <= 3)
printf("Light air\n");
else if (speed <= 27)
else if (speed <= 47)
else if (speed <= 63)
// Tax
void pr_05(void) {
float income, tax;
printf("Enter income: ");
scanf("%f", &income);
if (income <= 750.0f)
tax = income * .01f;
else if (income <= 2250.0f)
tax = income * .02f + 7.50f;
else if (income <= 3750.0f)
tax = income * .03f + 37.50f;
else if (income <= 5250.0f)
tax = income * .04f + 82.50f;
else if (income <= 7000.0f)
tax = income * .05f + 142.50f;
tax = income * .06f + 230.00f;
printf("Tax due is: %.2f", tax);
// upc modified
void pr_06(void) {
int d, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, j1, j2, j3, j4, j5,
first_sum, second_sum, total, check_digit;
printf("Enter the first (single) digit: ");
scanf("%1d", &d);
printf("Enter first group of five digits: ");
scanf("%1d%1d%1d%1d%1d", &i1, &i2, &i3, &i4, &i5);
printf("Enter second group of five digits: ");
scanf("%1d%1d%1d%1d%1d", &j1, &j2, &j3, &j4, &j5);
printf("Enter the last (single) digit: ");
scanf("%1d", &check_digit);
first_sum = d + i2 + i4 + j1 + j3 + j5;
second_sum = i1 + i3 + i5 + j2 + j4;
total = 3 * first_sum + second_sum;
if (check_digit == (9 - ((total - 1) % 10)))
printf("NOT VALID\n");
// Smallest and largest out of 4 numbers
void pr_07(void) {
int i1, i2, i3, i4, smal1, smal2, larg1, larg2;
printf("Enter four integers: ");
scanf("%d %d %d %d", &i1, &i2, &i3, &i4);
if (i1 < i2) {
smal1 = i1;
larg1 = i2;
else {
smal1 = i2;
larg1 = i1;
if (i3 < i4) {
smal2 = i3;
larg2 = i4;
else {
smal2 = i4;
larg2 = i3;
printf("Smallest: %d\n", (smal1 < smal2) ? smal1 : smal2);
printf("Largest: %d\n", (larg1 > larg2) ? larg1 : larg2);
// Flight departures
void pr_08(void) {
int hh, mm, entered, closestToken = 0,
closestDistance, distance;
printf("Enter a 24-hour time: ");
scanf("%2d:%2d", &hh, &mm);
entered = hh * 60 + mm;
distance = 480 - entered;
distance = distance >= 0 ? distance : -distance;
closestDistance = distance;
closestToken = 480;
distance = 583 - entered;
distance = distance >= 0 ? distance : -distance;
if (distance < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = distance;
closestToken = 583;
distance = 679 - entered;
distance = distance >= 0 ? distance : -distance;
if (distance < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = distance;
closestToken = 679;
distance = 767- entered;
distance = distance >= 0 ? distance : -distance;
if (distance < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = distance;
closestToken = 767;
distance = 840 - entered;
distance = distance >= 0 ? distance : -distance;
if (distance < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = distance;
closestToken = 840;
distance = 945 - entered;
distance = distance >= 0 ? distance : -distance;
if (distance < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = distance;
closestToken = 945;
distance = 1140 - entered;
distance = distance >= 0 ? distance : -distance;
if (distance < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = distance;
closestToken = 1140;
distance = 1305 - entered;
distance = distance >= 0 ? distance : -distance;
if (distance < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = distance;
closestToken = 1305;
switch (closestToken) {
case 480:
printf("Closest departure time is %2d:%.2d a.m., arriving at %2d:%.2d a.m.",
8, 0, 10, 16); break;
case 583:
printf("Closest departure time is %2d:%.2d a.m., arriving at %2d:%.2d a.m.",
9, 43, 11, 52); break;
case 679:
printf("Closest departure time is %2d:%.2d a.m., arriving at %2d:%.2d p.m.",
11, 19, 1, 31); break;
case 767:
printf("Closest departure time is %2d:%.2d p.m., arriving at %2d:%.2d p.m.",
12, 47, 3, 0); break;
case 840:
printf("Closest departure time is %2d:%.2d p.m., arriving at %2d:%.2d p.m.",
2, 0, 4, 8); break;
case 945:
printf("Closest departure time is %2d:%.2d p.m., arriving at %2d:%.2d p.m.",
3, 45, 5, 55); break;
case 1140:
printf("Closest departure time is %2d:%.2d p.m., arriving at %2d:%.2d p.m.",
7, 0, 9, 20); break;
case 1305:
printf("Closest departure time is %2d:%.2d p.m., arriving at %2d:%.2d p.m.",
9, 45, 11, 58); break;
// Which date is sooner
void pr_09(void) {
int d1, d2, m1, m2, y1, y2, daysFromBeginning1, daysFromBeginning2;
printf("Enter first date: ");
scanf("%d/%d/%d", &d1, &m1, &y1);
printf("Enter second date: ");
scanf("%d/%d/%d", &d2, &m2, &y2);
daysFromBeginning1 = d1 + 30 * m1 + 365 * y1;
daysFromBeginning2 = d2 + 30 * m2 + 365 * y2;
if (daysFromBeginning1 < daysFromBeginning2)
printf("%d/%d/%d is earlier than %d/%d/%d", d1, m1, y1, d2, m2, y2);
printf("%d/%d/%d is earlier than %d/%d/%d", d2, m2, y2, d1, m1, y1);
// Grades
void pr_10(void) {
int grade;
printf("Enter numerical grade: ");
scanf("%d", &grade);
if (grade < 0 || grade > 100)
printf("Illegal grade!\n");
printf("Letter grade: ");
switch (grade / 10) {
case 9:
case 8:
case 7:
case 6:
case 5:
void pr_11(void) {
int tens, ones;
printf("Enter a two-digit number: ");
scanf("%1d%1d", &tens, &ones);
printf("You entered the number ");
if (tens == 1) {
switch(ones) {
case 1:
printf("eleven"); break;
case 2:
printf("twelve"); break;
case 3:
printf("thirteen"); break;
case 4:
printf("fourteen"); break;
case 5:
printf("fifteen"); break;
case 6:
printf("sixteen"); break;
case 7:
printf("seventeen"); break;
case 8:
printf("eighteen"); break;
case 9:
printf("nineteen"); break;
else {
switch(tens) {
case 2:
printf("twenty"); break;
case 3:
printf("thirty"); break;
case 4:
printf("forty"); break;
case 5:
printf("fifty"); break;
case 6:
printf("seventy"); break;
case 7:
printf("seventy"); break;
case 8:
printf("eighty"); break;
case 9:
printf("ninety"); break;
switch(ones) {
case 1:
printf("one"); break;
case 2:
printf("two"); break;
case 3:
printf("three"); break;
case 4:
printf("four"); break;
case 5:
printf("five"); break;
case 6:
printf("six"); break;
case 7:
printf("seven"); break;
case 8:
printf("eight"); break;
case 9:
printf("nine"); break;