import faker = require("faker") import { createConnection, getConnection } from "typeorm" import { callSchema } from "../../utils/callSchema" import * as jwt from "../../utils/jwt" import { User } from "../User" beforeAll(async () => { return await createConnection({ type: "postgres", host: "localhost", port: 5432, database: "testing", username: "postgres", password: "postgres", // dropSchema: true, entities: [User], synchronize: true, logging: false, }) }) afterAll(async () => { return await getConnection().close() }) afterEach(async () => { return await getConnection().synchronize(true) }) describe("resolver of user", () => { it("returns email as it creates user with mutation", async () => { const fakeEmail = const fakePassword = faker.internet.password(6) const createUserMutation = `mutation { createUser(email: "${fakeEmail}", password: "${fakePassword}") { email } }` const response = await callSchema(createUserMutation) expect(response).toMatchObject({ data: { createUser: { email: fakeEmail }, }, }) }) it("should return emails of registered users", async () => { const usersQuery = `{ users { email } }` const user = await User.create({ email:, }).save() const response = await callSchema(usersQuery) expect(response).toMatchObject({ data: { users: [{ email: }], }, }) }) it("should return a valid login token", async () => { const fakeEmail = const fakePassword = faker.internet.password(6) await User.create({ email: fakeEmail, password: fakePassword, }).save() const loginTokenQuery = `{ loginToken(email: "${fakeEmail}", password: "${fakePassword}") }` const response = await callSchema(loginTokenQuery) const token =!.loginToken; expect(jwt.verify(token, jwt.PUBLIC_KEY)).toBeTruthy() }) })