import { gql } from "apollo-server" import { Request, Response } from "express" import { createConnection, getConnection } from "typeorm" import { initializeTransactionalContext, patchTypeORMRepositoryWithBaseRepository, } from "typeorm-transactional-cls-hooked" import { callSchema } from "./schema" import { runInTransaction, testingConnectionOptions } from "./testing" import { ContextInterface, signAccessToken, verifyAccessToken } from "./userResolver/auth" import { LoginTokens } from "./userResolver/LoginTokens" import { User } from "./userResolver/User" beforeAll(async () => { initializeTransactionalContext() patchTypeORMRepositoryWithBaseRepository() await createConnection(testingConnectionOptions()) }) afterAll(async () => { await getConnection().close() }) describe("resolver of user", () => { describe("createUser mutation should", () => { it( "return email as it creates user with mutation", runInTransaction(async () => { const createUserMutation = gql` mutation { createUser(email: "", password: "password") { email } } ` const response = await callSchema(createUserMutation) expect(response.errors).toBeUndefined() expect({ createUser: { email: "" }, }) }) ) }) describe("users query should", () => { it( "return emails of registered users", runInTransaction(async () => { const usersQuery = gql` query { users { email } } ` const user = await User.create({ email: "", }).save() const response = await callSchema(usersQuery) expect(response.errors).toBeUndefined() expect({ users: [{ email: }], }) }) ) }) describe("loginTokens query should", () => { const loginTokensQuery = gql` query { loginTokens(email: "", password: "good-password") { accessToken } } ` it( "return error for non-existent user", runInTransaction(async () => { const response = await callSchema(loginTokensQuery) expect(response.errors).not.toBeUndefined() expect( }) ) it( "return error for bad password", runInTransaction(async () => { await User.create({ email: "", password: "BAD-password", }).save() const response = await callSchema(loginTokensQuery) expect(response.errors).not.toBeUndefined() expect( }) ) it( "return a valid access token with good credentials", runInTransaction(async () => { await User.create({ email: "", password: "good-password", }).save() const response = await callSchema(loginTokensQuery) const accessToken =!.loginTokens.accessToken const loginTokens = new LoginTokens() loginTokens.accessToken = accessToken expect(response.errors).toBeUndefined() expect({ loginTokens }) expect(verifyAccessToken(accessToken)).toBeTruthy() }) ) }) describe("me query should", () => { const meQuery = gql` query { me { email } } ` it( "return an error without a valid jwt token", runInTransaction(async () => { const contextWithInvalidToken = contextWithAuthHeader( "Bearer INVALID-TOKEN" ) const response = await callSchema(meQuery, contextWithInvalidToken) expect(response.errors).not.toBeUndefined() expect( }) ) it( "return an user with a valid jwt token", runInTransaction(async () => { const user = await User.create({ email: "", }).save() const contextWithValidToken = contextWithAuthHeader( "Bearer " + signAccessToken({ userId: }) ) const response = await callSchema(meQuery, contextWithValidToken) expect(response.errors).toBeUndefined() expect({ me: { email: }, }) }) ) }) }) const contextWithAuthHeader = (header: string): ContextInterface => ({ req: { headers: { authorization: header, }, } as Request, res: {} as Response, })