You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { AuthChecker, buildSchema, MiddlewareFn } from "type-graphql"
// import { User } from "../modules/User"
import { UserResolver } from "../modules/User/UserResolver"
const errorInterceptor: MiddlewareFn<any> = async ({}, next) => {
try {
return await next()
} catch (err) {
const customAuthChecker: AuthChecker<any> = () => false
// { root, args, context, info },
// roles,
// ) => {
// console.log(`root: `)
// console.log(root)
// console.log(`args: `)
// console.log(args)
// console.log(`context: `)
// console.log(context)
// console.log(`info: `)
// console.log(info)
// console.log(`roles: `)
// console.log(roles)
// // here we can read the user from context
// // and check his permission in the db against the `roles` argument
// // that comes from the `@Authorized` decorator, eg. ["ADMIN", "MODERATOR"]
// return false; // or false if access is denied
// };
export const createSchema = () =>
resolvers: [UserResolver],
globalMiddlewares: [errorInterceptor],
authChecker: customAuthChecker,
// authMode: "null"