You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { argon2id, hash, verify as argonVerify } from "argon2"
import { Request, Response } from "express"
import { readFileSync } from "fs"
import { sign, verify as jwtVerify } from "jsonwebtoken"
import { join } from "path"
import { AuthChecker } from "type-graphql"
let PRIVATE_KEY: Buffer
let PUBLIC_KEY: Buffer
export type Payload = {
userId: number
export interface MyContext {
req: Request
res: Response
payload?: Payload
export const hashPassword = async (password: string) =>
await hash(password, { type: argon2id })
export const comparePassword = async (hash: string, plain: string) =>
await argonVerify(hash, plain, { type: argon2id })
export const signToken = (payload: Payload) => {
PRIVATE_KEY = readKeyFile("jwtRS256.key")
return sign(payload, PRIVATE_KEY, { algorithm: "RS256" })
export const verifyToken = (token: string) => {
if (!PUBLIC_KEY) {
PUBLIC_KEY = readKeyFile("")
return jwtVerify(token, PUBLIC_KEY)
export const customAuthChecker: AuthChecker<MyContext> = ({ context }) => {
try {
const authHeader = context.req.headers["authorization"]
const accessToken = authHeader!.split(" ")[1]
const payload = verifyToken(accessToken)
context.payload = payload as any
return true
} catch (error) {
throw new Error("the valid authorization header is required: ")
const readKeyFile = (fileName: string) => readFileSync(join(__dirname, "auth", fileName))