The Bachelor's thesis - Design and implementation of a portable device for creating RFID tag lists
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The idea is to construct a battery powered device that will be able to read the RFID tag from the ISIC cards students briefly place onto the reader part. The tags will then be stored on the detachable microSD card in structured format, alongside with time and date. The end result of this process is actually a attendance list of students. The device is to be used in the environment, where there are limited possibilities do proper attendance list, i.e. in the gym or when working in terrain.
Basic concept is to design and realize an electronic circuit, which will handle RFID communication with the student's ISIC card.
The project itself basically consists of this main parts:
\item the microcontroller
\item the RFID reader module
\item the power source
\item a display
\item the storage memory for the lists
\item a way to communicate with a PC
\item a real-time tracking module
\item some user interface
The two absolutely crucial areas that needs to described in deeper detail this project are microcontrollers and of course the RFID.
\nomenclature{$\upmu$}{micro, $10^{-6}$}
\nomenclature{SI}{Syst\`eme International}
\nomenclature{V}{Volt, basic unit in SI}
\nomenclature{RFID}{Radio Frequency Identification}
\nomenclature{ISIC}{International Student Identity Card}
\nomenclature{LCD}{Liquid-crystal Display}
\nomenclature{USB}{Universal Serial Bus}
\nomenclature{RTC}{Real-time Clock}
\nomenclature{microSD}{Secure Digital memory card}
\nomenclature{MCU}{Microcontroller, sometimes uC or $\upmu$C}