The Bachelor's thesis - Design and implementation of a portable device for creating RFID tag lists
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\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{List of Figures}
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pdfkeywords={Mcicrocontroller, RFID, device},
pdftitle={The Optimization of the Thesis Writing},
pdfauthor={Peter Babič},
pdfsubject={Bachelor's Thesis}
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%% A Bachelor's degree is a first degree at college or university
\bachelorthesis{Bachelor's Thesis}
%% A Master's thesis is a second level college or university degree
%\masterthesis{Master's Thesis}
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%% Ak praca nema 'podnazov' zakomentujte riadky \subtitle a \podnazov,
%% alebo polozky nechajte prazdne
\author{Peter Babič}
\title{Design and implementation of a portable device for creating RFID tag lists}
This thesis shows the process of building a portable hand-held device capable of storing RFID tags along with current date and time. The process goes from the idea on the paper, through the prototyping and testing stage up to the working device. The device is backed by a microcontroller and is able to read all Mifare compatible RFID cards and identificators, preferably student's ISIC cards, store them on the MicroSD card, in the CSV format, while providing an user interface for basic operation and a Serial connection over an USB cable for advanced operation.
\keywords{ISIC, microcontroller, MicroSD, Mifare, RFID, tags}
\degree{Bakalár, Magister, Inžinier a pod.}
\university{Technical University of Košice}
\faculty{Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics}
\department{Department of Theoretical and Industrial Electrical Engineering}
\fieldofstudy{9.2.9 Applied Informatics}
\studyprogramme{Applied informatics}
\supervisor{Ing. Tibor Vince, PhD.}
\consultanta{Ing. Norbert Ádám, PhD.}
\dateofsubmission{May. 30. 2014}
\abstrakt{Táto práca ukazuje proces tvorby prenosného zariadenia, schopného ukladať RFID tagy spolu s aktuálnym časom a dátumom. Proces začína teoretickým rozborom, tiahne sa cez prototypovaciu a testovaciu časť až po fungujúce zariadenie. Zariadenie obsahuje mikrokontrolér a je kompatibilné so všetkými typmi Mifare RFID kárt a identifikátorov, avšak hlavným cieľom sú študentské ISIC karty. Dáta sú uložené na MicroSD kartu, v CSV formáte. K dispozícii je minimálne užívateľské rozhranie pre základne použitie a Sériové spojenie cez USB kábel pre rozšírené operácie.}
\klucoveslova{ISIC, mikrokontrolér, MicroSD, Mifare, RFID, tagy}
%% input the 'First page of the Thesis'
%% input the 'Title page of the Thesis'
%% input the 'Metadatasheet of the Thesis'
\errata % begin the 'Errata'
%Ak je potrebné, autor na tomto mieste opraví chyby, ktoré našiel
%po vytlačení práce. Opravy sa uvádzajú takým písmom, akým je napísaná
%práca. Ak zistíme chyby až po vytlačení a zviazaní práce, napíšeme
%erráta na samostatný lístok, ktorý vložíme na toto miesto.
Page & Line & Wrong & Correct \\\hline\hline
%12 & 6 & publikácia & prezentácia \\\hline
%22 & 23 & internet & intranet \\\hline
& & & \\\hline
& & & \\\hline
& & & \\\hline
& & & \\\hline
\abstrakte % Abstract in English
\abstrakt % Abstract in Slovak
\endabstract % end of the Abstracts page
%% input the 'Assign of the Thesis'
%% input the 'Declaration' of the author
% I hereby declare that this thesis is my own work and effort. Where
% other sources of information have been used, they have been
% acknowledged.
% Niektorí autori metodických príručiek o~záverečných prácach sa
% nazdávajú, že takéto vyhlásenie je zbytočné, nakoľko povinnosť
% vypracovať záverečnú prácu samostatne, vyplýva študentovi zo zákona
% a na autora práce sa vzťahuje autorský zákon.
\acknowledgement % begin the 'Acknowledgement'
I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor Ing. Tibor Vince, PhD., the main Supervisor, for his constant, and constructive guidance. Another mention should go Ing. Norbert Ádám, PhD. To all other who gave a hand, I say thank you
very much.
\preface % begin the 'Preface'
This thesis is about constructing an electronic device from a scratch. It requires problem solving skills, analytical thinking and decision making. Among core technical skills used are electronics design, firmware programming and product documentation, which are all part of the product life-cycle. Practising and improving named skills was the main motivation to choose this topic.
%Predhovor ({\it Preface}) je povinnou náležitosťou záverečnej práce, V~predhovore autor uvedie základné charakteristiky
%svojej záverečnej práce a~okolnosti jej vzniku. Vysvetlí dôvody, ktoré
%ho viedli k~voľbe témy, cieľ a~účel práce a~stručne informuje
%o~hlavných metódach, ktoré pri spracovaní záverečnej práce použil.
%\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\numberline{}List of Figures}
%\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\numberline{}List of Tables}
%\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\numberline{}List of Symbols and
\printglossary % input the 'List of Symbols and Abbreviations'
%\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\numberline{}List of Therms}
\listofterms % begin the 'List of Therms'
\item[File system] is used in computing to control how data is stored and retrieved. Without a file system, information placed in a storage area would be one large body of data with no way to tell where one piece of information stops and the next begins. Common file systems are: FAT, NTFS, EXT and many more.
\item[Liquid-crystal Display] is a flat display using light modulating properties of liquid crystals. They do not emit light themselves. LCD's are used in a wide range of applications, and are energy efficient.
\item[Microcontroller] is a compact microcomputer designed to govern the operation of embedded systems in motor vehicles, robots, office machines, complex medical devices, mobile radio transceivers, vending machines, home appliances, and various other devices. A typical microcontroller includes a processor, memory, and peripherals.
\item[RFID] radio frequency identification: a technology that uses electronic tags placed on objects, people, or animals to relay identifying information to an electronic reader by means of radio waves.
\item[SD card] is a non-volatile memory card format for use in portable devices. It is one of the most used memory card formats today. It divides to three categories by physical size: SD, MiniSD and MicroSD. There are also three categories, regarding it's capacity: SDSC, SDHC and SDXC.
\item[Universal Serial Bus] is an industry standard developed in the mid-1990s that defines the cables, connectors and communications protocols used in a bus for connection, communication, and power supply between computers and electronic devices.
%% begin the 'Curriculumvitae' of the author
%Táto časť\/ je nepovinná. Autor tu môže uviesť\/ svoje biografické
%údaje, údaje o~záujmoch, účasti na~projektoch, účasti na~súťažiach,
%získané ocenenia, zahraničné pobyty na~praxi, domácu prax, publikácie