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Peter Babič} \title{Multi-purpose system for measuring electrical power supplied by electric sockets} \subtitle{} \abstrakte{This thesis shows the process of designing, building and programming of an inter-connected electronic system. It starts with explaining the fundamentals of the physics underlining the electronic power measurement process, transitioning into describing integrated components/modules used later in the proposed solution, such as ESP8266 Wi-Fi chip, GL.inet router board or OpenWRT - an unix-like operating system. The conceptual design of a final solution, utilising the aforementioned topics, follows. It includes diagrams describing the inner working of the hardware, and later software running on it. The manufactured device is capable of measuring the electric power provided by the electric socket to the appliance and send the measured values over Wi-Fi to the cloud, to be visualised on a custom web server employing a charting library to plot the measured quantities over time. } \keywords{electrical, power, socket, system} \degree{Bc.} \university{Technical University of Košice} \faculty{Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics} \facultyabbr{FEEI} \department{Department of Electronics and Multimedia Communications} \departmentabbr{DTIEE} \fieldofstudy{9.2.9 Applied Informatics} \studyprogramme{Computer Modeling} \supervisor{Ing. Tibor Vince, PhD.} %\consultanta{Ing.~Matej~Biely, PhD.} %\consultantb{RNDr.~Marián Čierny, DrSc.} \dateofsubmission{April. 28. 2016} \town{Košice} \abstrakt{Táto práca opisuje proces navrhovania, realizácie a programovania prepojeného elektronikcého systému. Začína vysvetlením základov fyziky stojacích za meraním elektrického výkonu a postupne prechádza do opisu integrovaných komponentov/modulov použitých neskôr v navrhovanom riešení, ako napríklad ESP8266 Wi-Fi čip, GL.inet dosky alebo OpenWRT - operačný systém na báze unixu. Ďalej nasleduje návrh konceptu finálneho riešenia, používajúceho spomenuté témy. Práca obsahuje diagramy opisujúce fungovanie hardvéru a softvéru, ktorý na ňom beží. Vyrobené zariadenie je schopné merať eletrický výkon dodaný zásuvkou spotrebiču a posielať namerané hodnoty cez Wi-Fi do cloud-u, aby boli následne zobrazené ako graf výkonu a času.} \klucoveslova{elektrický, výkon, systém, zásuvka} \begin{document} \renewcommand\theHfigure{\theHsection.\arabic{figure}} \renewcommand\theHtable{\theHsection.\arabic{table}} %\bibliographystyle{acm} %% input the 'First page of the Thesis' \firstpage %% input the 'Title page of the Thesis' \titlepage %% input the 'Metadatasheet of the Thesis' %\metadatasheet \errata % begin the 'Errata' %Ak je potrebné, autor na tomto mieste opraví chyby, ktoré našiel po vytlačení práce. Opravy sa uvádzajú takým písmom, akým je napísaná práca. Ak zistíme chyby až po vytlačení a zviazaní práce, napíšeme erráta na samostatný lístok, ktorý vložíme na toto miesto. Najlepšie je lístok prilepi % %Forma: \tabcolsep=10pt \begin{table}[!hb] \centering \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|}\hline Page & Line & Wrong & Correct \\\hline\hline %12 & 6 & publikácia & prezentácia \\\hline %22 & 23 & internet & intranet \\\hline & & & \\\hline & & & \\\hline & & & \\\hline & & & \\\hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \kerrata \abstrakte % Abstract in English \abstrakt % Abstract in Slovak \endabstract % end of the Abstracts page %% input the 'Assign of the Thesis' %\assignthesis \vspace*{-1.2in} \centerline{\includegraphics{assign}} %% input the 'Declaration' of the author \clearpage \declaration % I hereby declare that this thesis is my own work and effort. Where % other sources of information have been used, they have been % acknowledged. %% % Niektorí autori metodických príručiek o~záverečných prácach sa % nazdávajú, že takéto vyhlásenie je zbytočné, nakoľko povinnosť % vypracovať záverečnú prácu samostatne, vyplýva študentovi zo zákona % a na autora práce sa vzťahuje autorský zákon. \acknowledgement % begin the 'Acknowledgement' I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor Ing. Tibor Vince, PhD., for his constant and constructive guidance throughout all the struggles that have occurred during this work. And to all other who gave a helping hand, I say thank you very much, too. \endacknowledgement \preface % begin the 'Preface' This thesis is about constructing a system of co-working electronic devices. The main input of such system is the measured electric power with respect to time. It requires problem solving skills, analytical thinking and decision making. Among core technical skills used are electronics design, firmware programming and product documentation, which are all part of the product life-cycle. Practising and improving named skills was the main motivation to choose this topic. One another motivator worth mentioning is the requirement to understand and use unix-like operating system, which is also desired skill to be honed. \endpreface \pagestyle{empty} \tableofcontents \newpage %\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\numberline{}List of Figures} \listoffigures \newpage %\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\numberline{}List of Tables} \listoftables \newpage %\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\numberline{}List of Symbols and Abbreviations} \printglossary[type=\acronymtype] \newpage %\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\numberline{}List of Terms} %\listofterms % begin the 'List of Terms' \printglossary[title=List of Terms] %\endlistofterms % \include{introduction} % \include{problemexpres} % \include{analytical} % \include{mainpart} % \include{conclusion} % \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\numberline{}References} \printbibliography % \include{appendices} %% begin the 'Curriculumvitae' of the author %\curriculumvitae\protect\label{page:posledna} %Táto časť\/ je nepovinná. Autor tu môže uviesť\/ svoje biografické %údaje, údaje o~záujmoch, účasti na~projektoch, účasti na~súťažiach, %získané ocenenia, zahraničné pobyty na~praxi, domácu prax, publikácie %a~pod. %\endcurriculumvitae \end{document} %%