#!/bin/bash # get the second character of the version, so it can be incremented #lastTag=$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags) lastTag=$(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`) lastNum=${lastTag:1:1} nextNum=$((lastNum + 1)) nextTag="v$nextNum" prefix="tukethesis" nextFil="$prefix-$nextTag" remote="http://ktpe.fei.tuke.sk/vince/studenti/babic/index.php" logFile="version.log" echo "releasing version: $nextTag" echo "----------------------" echo "" # generate the log from git data { git diff --stat "$lastTag" HEAD | tail -1 echo "" git log "$lastTag"..HEAD --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --reverse } | tee "$nextFil.log" # copy PDF output as a versioned file cp "$prefix.pdf" "$nextFil.pdf" echo "" echo "-------------------------------------------" echo "" echo "Input short message describing the changes (tag message):" read tagMessage # upload the new version of PDF and a log to the Mr.Vince's remote server { curl -include --form "file=@tukethesis-$nextTag.log" "$remote" curl -include --form "file=@tukethesis-$nextTag.pdf" "$remote" } > "$logFile" echo "Files were uploaded the remote host." echo "" # tag the version now and push it to the origin repo git tag "$nextTag" -m "$tagMessage" git push -u --tags origin master # clear the files rm *-"$nextTag".*