#!/bin/bash version="19.07.7" fprintUrl="https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/security/signatures" dlUrl="https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/$version/targets/ramips/mt7620/" folderName="openwrt-imagebuilder-$version-ramips-mt7620.Linux-x86_64" archive="$folderName.tar.xz" mkdir -p tmp/ build/ cd tmp/ sudo pacman -q -S --needed base-devel ncurses zlib gawk git gettext openssl libxslt wget unzip python gnupg sumsFile="sha256sums" ascFile="$sumsFile.asc" wget -q "$dlUrl/$ascFile" -O "$ascFile" wget -q "$dlUrl/$sumsFile" -O "$sumsFile" gpgOutput=$(gpg --status-fd 1 --auto-key-retrieve --with-fingerprint --verify "$ascFile") if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "SIGNATURE VERIFIED" else echo "SIGNATURE INVALID. Exiting." exit 1 fi fprint=$(echo "$gpgOutput" | grep -m1 "KEY_CONSIDERED" | cut -d' ' -f3) fprintFmt=$(echo "$fprint" | sed 's/.\{4\}/& /g' | xargs | sed 's/.\{25\}/& /g') curl -s "$fprintUrl" | grep -o "$fprintFmt" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "FINGERPRINT VERIFIED" else echo "FINGERPRINT INVALID. Exiting." exit 1 fi sysupgradeFile="openwrt-$version-ramips-mt7620-ArcherMR200-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin" ## Note: it is possible to download a release sysupgrade file here, ## and consecutively get sha256sums verified, ## but it will later get replaced by `cp "bin/targets/ ...` # wget -nc "$dlUrl/$sysupgradeFile" -O "$sysupgradeFile" wget -nc "$dlUrl/$archive" -O "$archive" sha256sum --ignore-missing -c "$sumsFile" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "SHA256SUM VERIFIED" else echo "SHA256SUM INVALID. Exiting." rm -rf "$folderName" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "$folderName" ]; then tar xJf "$archive" fi cd "$folderName" ln -sf ../../files . make image PROFILE=ArcherMR200 PACKAGES="curl luci" FILES=files/ cp "bin/targets/ramips/mt7620/$sysupgradeFile" ../../build/ cd ../../build/ bootloaderFile="ArcherMR200_bootloader.bin" recoveryFile="ArcherC2V1_tp_recovery.bin" stockFirmware="../firmware/Archer MR200v1_0.9.1_1.2_up_boot_v004a.0 Build 180502 Rel.53881n.bin" dd bs=512 obs=512 skip=1 count=256 if="$stockFirmware" of="$bootloaderFile" cat "$bootloaderFile" "$sysupgradeFile" > "$recoveryFile" atftpDir="/srv/atftp" sudo pacman -S --needed atftp sudo mkdir -p "$atftpDir" sudo cp "$recoveryFile" "$atftpDir" sudo chown -R atftp:atftp "$atftpDir" sudo ifconfig enp0s31f6 sudo systemctl start atftpd.service echo "Now connect the MR200 router via LAN1 and restart it while holding WPS button."