# OpenWRT for TP-Link MR200v1 **Follow all steps at own risk!** Before downloading anything, consider reading the blog post: ## Recovery image preparation The recovery image is used to replace the stock firmware with OpenWRT via TFTP. Citing the MR200 OpenWRT [manual](https://openwrt.org/toh/tp-link/archer-mr200): > Turn on the device while pushing the WPS button until the WPS light turns > on. At that point, the bootloaders integrated tftp client with the ip > address of, tries to connect to a tftp server running at > address and getting the file named > **ArcherC2V1_tp_recovery.bin**. so you need to be running a tftp server > with the ip/netmask of and connect it to lan port1. It is > vital that your firmware includes the bootloader at the very beginning > (without any extra tp-link header) as the bootloader will start writing > the firmware to flash with the starting address of 0x00000000. Manual recovery image preparation: ```bash cd firmware dd bs=512 obs=512 skip=1 count=256 if=Archer\ MR200v1_0.9.1_1.2_up_boot_v004a.0\ Build\ 180502\ Rel.53881n.bin of=ArcherMR200_bootloader.bin cat ArcherMR200_bootloader.bin openwrt-19.07.6-ramips-mt7620-ArcherMR200-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin > ArcherC2V1_tp_recovery.bin ``` Manual recovery image upload using TFTP: ```bash sudo pacman -S atftp sudo mkdir -p /srv/atftp sudo cp firmware/ArcherC2V1_tp_recovery.bin /srv/atftp sudo chown -R atftp:atftp /srv/atftp sudo ifconfig enp0s31f6 sudo systemctl start atftpd.service # Optionally test TFTP server is working properly #curl -O tftp:/ ``` ## Revert to TP-Link stock firmware **Important:** Always revert back to the same version in which you switched from. ```bash cd firmware dd bs=512 obs=512 skip=257 count=15744 if=Archer\ MR200v1_0.9.1_1.2_up_boot_v004a.0\ Build\ 180502\ Rel.53881n.bin of=extracted_firmware.bin scp extracted_firmware.bin root@openwrt:/tmp /usr/bin/ssh root@openwrt mtd -r write extracted_firmware.bin firmware ``` ## 4G signal LED integration OpenWRT does not enable working LED's for 4G signal by default. Manual method: ```bash cd files scp -r root etc root@openwrt:/ /usr/bin/ssh root@openwrt opkg update opkg install curl reboot ``` ## Custom image with built in LED signal integration Manual custom image build steps: ```bash pacman -S --needed base-devel ncurses zlib gawk git gettext openssl libxslt wget unzip python wget https://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/targets/ramips/mt7620/openwrt-imagebuilder-ramips-mt7620.Linux-x86_64.tar.xz tar xJf openwrt-imagebuilder-ramips-mt7620.Linux-x86_64.tar.xz cd openwrt-imagebuilder-ramips-mt7620.Linux-x86_64 ln -s ../files . make image PROFILE=tplink_archer-mr200 PACKAGES="curl" FILES=files/ ``` The sysupgrade file is available at `openwrt-imagebuilder-ramips-mt7620.Linux-x86_64/bin/targets/ramips/mt7620/openwrt-ramips-mt7620-tplink_archer-mr200-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin` after the build and includes `curl` and the LED script. Alternatively, the steps are automated in a [script](./make.sh). After running, the custom image file is conveniently symlinked to `mt7620`. ## Credit The authors of the LED script are users **asenac** and **spamcop**, published ad OpenWRT [forum](https://forum.openwrt.org/t/signal-strength-and-4g-leds-on-tp-link-mr200/65978)