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- hosts: openwrt
- gekmihesg.openwrt
- name: ping
# - name: copy openwrt image
# command: "{{ openwrt_scp }}" image.bin {{ openwrt_user_host|quote }}:/tmp/sysupgrade.bin"
# delegate_to: localhost
# - name: start sysupgrade
# nohup:
# command: sysupgrade -q /tmp/sysupgrade.bin
# - name: wait for reboot
# wait_for_connection:
# timeout: 300
# delay: 60
# - name: install mdns
# opkg:
# name: mdns
# state: present
# - name: enable and start mdns
# service:
# name: mdns
# state: started
# enabled: yes
# - name: copy authorized keys
# copy:
# src: authorized_keys
# dest: /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys
# - name: revert pending changes
# uci:
# command: revert
# - name: configure wifi device radio0
# uci:
# command: set
# key: wireless.radio0
# value:
# phy: phy0
# type: mac80211
# hwmode: 11g
# channel: auto
# - name: configure wifi interface
# uci:
# command: section
# config: wireless
# type: wifi-iface
# find_by:
# device: radio0
# mode: ap
# value:
# ssid: MySSID
# encryption: psk2+ccmp
# key: very secret
# - name: commit changes
# uci:
# command: commit
# notify: reload wifi