/// context("Traversal", () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.visit("https://example.cypress.io/commands/traversal") }) it(".children() - get child DOM elements", () => { // https://on.cypress.io/children cy.get(".traversal-breadcrumb") .children(".active") .should("contain", "Data") }) it(".closest() - get closest ancestor DOM element", () => { // https://on.cypress.io/closest cy.get(".traversal-badge") .closest("ul") .should("have.class", "list-group") }) it(".eq() - get a DOM element at a specific index", () => { // https://on.cypress.io/eq cy.get(".traversal-list>li").eq(1).should("contain", "siamese") }) it(".filter() - get DOM elements that match the selector", () => { // https://on.cypress.io/filter cy.get(".traversal-nav>li") .filter(".active") .should("contain", "About") }) it(".find() - get descendant DOM elements of the selector", () => { // https://on.cypress.io/find cy.get(".traversal-pagination") .find("li") .find("a") .should("have.length", 7) }) it(".first() - get first DOM element", () => { // https://on.cypress.io/first cy.get(".traversal-table td").first().should("contain", "1") }) it(".last() - get last DOM element", () => { // https://on.cypress.io/last cy.get(".traversal-buttons .btn").last().should("contain", "Submit") }) it(".next() - get next sibling DOM element", () => { // https://on.cypress.io/next cy.get(".traversal-ul") .contains("apples") .next() .should("contain", "oranges") }) it(".nextAll() - get all next sibling DOM elements", () => { // https://on.cypress.io/nextall cy.get(".traversal-next-all") .contains("oranges") .nextAll() .should("have.length", 3) }) it(".nextUntil() - get next sibling DOM elements until next el", () => { // https://on.cypress.io/nextuntil cy.get("#veggies").nextUntil("#nuts").should("have.length", 3) }) it(".not() - remove DOM elements from set of DOM elements", () => { // https://on.cypress.io/not cy.get(".traversal-disabled .btn") .not("[disabled]") .should("not.contain", "Disabled") }) it(".parent() - get parent DOM element from DOM elements", () => { // https://on.cypress.io/parent cy.get(".traversal-mark").parent().should("contain", "Morbi leo risus") }) it(".parents() - get parent DOM elements from DOM elements", () => { // https://on.cypress.io/parents cy.get(".traversal-cite").parents().should("match", "blockquote") }) it(".parentsUntil() - get parent DOM elements from DOM elements until el", () => { // https://on.cypress.io/parentsuntil cy.get(".clothes-nav") .find(".active") .parentsUntil(".clothes-nav") .should("have.length", 2) }) it(".prev() - get previous sibling DOM element", () => { // https://on.cypress.io/prev cy.get(".birds").find(".active").prev().should("contain", "Lorikeets") }) it(".prevAll() - get all previous sibling DOM elements", () => { // https://on.cypress.io/prevall cy.get(".fruits-list") .find(".third") .prevAll() .should("have.length", 2) }) it(".prevUntil() - get all previous sibling DOM elements until el", () => { // https://on.cypress.io/prevuntil cy.get(".foods-list") .find("#nuts") .prevUntil("#veggies") .should("have.length", 3) }) it(".siblings() - get all sibling DOM elements", () => { // https://on.cypress.io/siblings cy.get(".traversal-pills .active").siblings().should("have.length", 2) }) })