# Triangles.fun A colorful, relaxing HTML5 puzzle game. Play at Consider donating on [Buy Me a Coffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/peterbabic) to sustain domain costs. ![preview](./assets/preview.gif) ## Technologies used - [Svelte](https://svelte.dev/) - [TailwindCSS](https://tailwindcss.com/) - [PWA](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Progressive_web_apps) - [NORD theme](https://www.nordtheme.com/docs/colors-and-palettes) ## Inspiration Thanks for my girlfriend Sara for showing me the IRL version, she played it when she was a little kid. The photo of IRL triangles for the interested in in my humble blog hosted on this domain (currently running Sapper, so no Tailwind there yet). Thanks also to Carlos Ferreira for the https://squares.fun for showing me this tech stack is possible and works nicely together. Since I have found Squares, I wanted to do such project. Now it is a reality. Go play a version Carlos made too it, it's a lot of fun. ## Development You can clone this repo and run the code yourself. Standard Svelte run commands apply. ```bash npm run build && npm run start ## OR npm run dev ``` Now navigate to ## Testing A test run can be invoked via Cypress. ```bash npx cypress run # OR npx cypress open ``` The game must be running in a different terminal before that. It requires the server running beforehand, you can utilize [start-server-and-test](https://www.npmjs.com/package/start-server-and-test) to overcome this. Practices vary. Please note that there is a problem of clicking to multiple elements, that I did not find a solution to yet, that happes during test. ## TODO - [x] ad - [x] update icons - [x] manage UI buttons - [x] fix undo missing animation - [x] fix undo when circle picked - [x] add about page - [x] fix victory / gameover modal - [x] handle U, R and A keypresses - [ ] polish the `App.svelte`, it is too large - [ ] fix the problem of top row getting out of the screen ## License All source code is licensed under MIT.