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Deploying a shared production ready MongoDB cluster with Ansible

In this example we demonstrate how we can orchestrate the deployment of a production grade MongoDB Cluster. The functionality of this example includes:

  1. Deploying a N node MongoDB cluster, which has N shards and N replication nodes.
  2. Scale out capability. Expand the Cluster by adding nodes to the cluster.
  3. Security, All the mongodb process are secured using the best practices.

###Deployment Architecture.

To better explain the deployment architecture let's take an example where we are deploying a 3 node MongoDB cluster ( Minimum recommended by MongoDB).

The way Ansible configures the three nodes is as follows:

  1. Install the mongodb software on all nodes.

  2. Creates 3 replication sets, with one primary on each node and the rest two acting as secondaries.

  3. Configures MongodDB configuration DB servers as listed in the inventory section[mongocservers]. Recommended number is 3, so it can be the same three servers as the datanodes.

  4. Configures a Mongos server as listed in the inventory file [mongosservers].

  5. Adds 3 Shards each belonging to individual replication sets.

  6. All the processes, mongod,mogos are secured using the keyfiles.

Once the cluster is deployed, if we want to scale the cluster, Ansible configures it as follows:

  1. Install the MongoDB application on the new node.

  2. Configure the replication set with primary as the new node and the secondaries as listed in the inventory file [replicationservers]. ( don't forget to add the new node also in the replicationservers section]

  3. Adds a new shard to the mongos service pointing to the new replication set.

###The following example deploys a three node MongoDB Cluster

The inventory file looks as follows:

	#The site wide list of mongodb servers

	#The list of servers where replication should happen, by default include all servers

	#The list of mongodb configuration servers, make sure it is 1 or 3

	#The list of servers where mongos servers would run. 

Build the site with the following command:

	ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml

###Verifying the deployed MongoDB Cluster

Once completed we can check replication set availibitly by connecting to individual primary replication set nodes, 'mongo --host --port and issue the command to query the status of replication set, we should get a similar output.

	web2:PRIMARY> rs.status()
		"set" : "web2",
		"date" : ISODate("2013-03-19T10:26:35Z"),
		"myState" : 1,
		"members" : [
			"_id" : 0,
			"name" : "web2:2013",
			"health" : 1,
			"state" : 1,
			"stateStr" : "PRIMARY",
			"uptime" : 102,
			"optime" : Timestamp(1363688755000, 1),
			"optimeDate" : ISODate("2013-03-19T10:25:55Z"),
			"self" : true
			"_id" : 1,
			"name" : "web3:2013",
			"health" : 1,
			"state" : 2,
			"stateStr" : "SECONDARY",
			"uptime" : 40,
			"optime" : Timestamp(1363688755000, 1),
			"optimeDate" : ISODate("2013-03-19T10:25:55Z"),
			"lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2013-03-19T10:26:33Z"),
			"pingMs" : 1
	"ok" : 1

we can check the status of the Shards as follows: connect to the mongos service 'mongos --host --port 8888' and issue the following command to get the status of the Shards.

	mongos> sh.status()
	--- Sharding Status --- 
	  sharding version: { "_id" : 1, "version" : 3 }
		{  "_id" : "web2",  "host" : "web2/web2:2013,web3:2013" }
		{  "_id" : "web3",  "host" : "web3/web2:2014,web3:2014" }
		{  "_id" : "admin",  "partitioned" : false,  "primary" : "config" }

We can also make sure the Sharding works by creating a database and collection and populate it with documents and check if the chunks of the collection are balanced equally across nodes.

The above mentioned steps can be tested as follows:

  1. Once the Sharded cluster is ready, create a new database and an admin user for the database. This is done from the mongos machine.

     /usr/bin/mongo localhost:8888/admin -u admin -p 123456
     mongos> use test
     switched to db test
     mongos> db.addUser('admin','123456')
     	"user" : "admin",
     	"readOnly" : false,
     	"pwd" : "95ec4261124ba5951720b199908d892b",
     	"_id" : ObjectId("51519f349cd3a93ca7e17909")
  2. Once the DB and the user is created, create a collection and poplulate documents, This deployment add a script to the /tmp location of the mongos server which adds a new collection and 100,000 documents.

     $/usr/bin/mongo localhost:8888/test -u admin -p 123456 /tmp/testsharding.js 
  3. After the document's are populated, we have to enable sharding on the database and the collection. which can be done as follows:

     $/usr/bin/mongo localhost:8888/admin -u admin -p 123456
     mongos> db.runCommand( { enableSharding : "test" } )
     	{ "ok" : 1 }
     mongos> db.runCommand( { shardCollection : "test.test_collection", key : {"number":1} })
     	{ "collectionsharded" : "test.test_collection", "ok" : 1 }
     mongos> sh.status()
     	--- Sharding Status --- 
     	sharding version: { "_id" : 1, "version" : 3 }
     	{  "_id" : "bensible",  "host" : "bensible/bensible:20103,web2:20103,web3:20103" }
     	{  "_id" : "web2",  "host" : "web2/bensible:20102,web2:20102,web3:20102" }
     	{  "_id" : "web3",  "host" : "web3/bensible:20101,web2:20101,web3:20101" }
     	{  "_id" : "admin",  "partitioned" : false,  "primary" : "config" }
     	{  "_id" : "test",  "partitioned" : true,  "primary" : "bensible" }
     		test.test_collection chunks:
     			web2	1
     			bensible	19
  4. In the above example we can see the chunks being balanced across nodes. After a few minutes if we excute the same command 'sh.status()' we will see the below output, which shows all the chunks being balanced across the three nodes.

     mongos> sh.status()
     	--- Sharding Status --- 
     	sharding version: { "_id" : 1, "version" : 3 }
     	{  "_id" : "bensible",  "host" : "bensible/bensible:20103,web2:20103,web3:20103" }
     	{  "_id" : "web2",  "host" : "web2/bensible:20105,web2:20105,web3:20105" }
     	{  "_id" : "web3",  "host" : "web3/bensible:20102,web2:20102,web3:20102" }
     	{  "_id" : "admin",  "partitioned" : false,  "primary" : "config" }
     	{  "_id" : "test",  "partitioned" : true,  "primary" : "web3" }
     		test.test_collection chunks:
     		bensible	7
     		web2	6
     		web3	7

Adding a new node to the Cluster

To add a new node to the configured MongoDb Cluster, setup the inventory file as follows:

	#The site wide list of mongodb servers

	#The list of servers where replication should happen, by default include all servers

	#The list of mongodb configuration servers, make sure it is 1 or 3

	#The list of servers where mongos servers would run. 

Make sure you have the new node added in the replicationservers section and execute the following command:

	ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/addnode.yml -e servername=mongo4


The verification of the newly added node can be as easy checking the sharding status and see the chunks being rebalanced to the newly added node.

		$/usr/bin/mongo localhost:8888/admin -u admin -p 123456
		mongos> sh.status()
			--- Sharding Status --- 
			sharding version: { "_id" : 1, "version" : 3 }
		{  "_id" : "bensible",  "host" : "bensible/bensible:20103,web2:20103,web3:20103" }
		{  "_id" : "web2",  "host" : "web2/bensible:20105,web2:20105,web3:20105" }
		{  "_id" : "web3",  "host" : "web3/bensible:20102,web2:20102,web3:20102" }
		{  "_id" : "web4",  "host" : "web4/bensible:20101,web3:20101,web4:20101" }
		{  "_id" : "admin",  "partitioned" : false,  "primary" : "config" }
		{  "_id" : "test",  "partitioned" : true,  "primary" : "bensible" }
		test.test_collection chunks:
			web4	3
			web3	6
			web2	6
			bensible	5