Add the Introduction

Peter Babič 8 years ago
parent 56cdde36e0
commit abb2e297c1
  1. 11
  2. BIN

@ -11,11 +11,6 @@
\section*{Introduction} \section*{Introduction}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\numberline{}Introduction} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\numberline{}Introduction}
V~úvode autor podrobnejšie ako v~predhovore, pritom výstižne a~krátko The idea is to invent way of measuring the electrical power and some more related information, preferably in a non-invasive way. The non-invasive way means, that the appliance that is being measured does not require any modifications, for instance in a form of some probe or a man-in-the-middle plug, suggesting an embedded system. When the data are obtained, they are presented to the user, preferably plotted as a quantity over time, not just and actual measurement. Since the solution is going to be multi-purpose, it has to incorporate at least one additional function, than just the measurement. In this case it is going to be the remote power-on/power-off of the appliance. The name of the thesis also suggests, that the final solution has to be compatible with the electrical sockets used in the local region, in this case the European ones. Since the solution is going to be an \textit{embedded system} measuring a \textit{physical quantity}, these two topics are described in following chapters.
charakterizuje stav poznania alebo praxe v~špecifickej oblasti, ktorá
je predmetom záverečnej práce. Autor presnejšie ako v~predhovore There are two fixed components/modules that are going to be included in the work, mostly because if the research purposes, but also because they fit the implementation greatly and are accessible. The components are GL.inet router board and ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. The fact that these two are already chosen beforehand will streamline the design and development and will narrow down the possible implementation paths a little. Topics revolving around these two are also complex on their own, thus they are deserving their own chapters.
vysvetlí ciele práce, jej zameranie, použité metódy a~stručne objasní
vzťah práce k~iným prácam podobného zamerania. V~úvode netreba
zachádzať hlbšie do teórie. Nie je potrebné podrobne popisovať metódy,
experimentálne výsledky, ani opakovať závery prípadne odporúčania,

tukethesis.pdf (Stored with Git LFS)

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