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const colors = require("tailwindcss/colors")
module.exports = {
purge: {
enabled: !process.env.ROLLUP_WATCH,
mode: "all",
content: ["./public/index.html", "./src/**/*.svelte"],
darkMode: false, // or 'media' or 'class'
theme: {
colors: {
transparent: "transparent",
current: "currentColor",
gray: colors.gray,
white: colors.white,
green: "hsl(92, 28%, 65%)",
"green-lighter": "hsl(92, 28%, 85%)",
"green-darker": "hsl(92, 28%, 30%)",
cyan: "hsl(179, 25%, 65%)",
"cyan-lighter": "hsl(179, 25%, 85%)",
"cyan-darker": "hsl(179, 25%, 30%)",
blue: "hsl(210, 34%, 63%)",
"blue-lighter": "hsl(213, 32%, 82%)",
"blue-darker": "hsl(213, 32%, 37%)",
yellow: "hsl(40, 71%, 73%)",
"yellow-lighter": "hsl(40, 71%, 88%)",
"yellow-darker": "hsl(40, 71%, 37%)",
orange: "hsl(14, 51%, 63%)",
"orange-lighter": "hsl(14, 51%, 83%)",
"orange-darker": "hsl(14, 51%, 28%)",
red: "hsl(354, 42%, 56%)",
"red-lighter": "hsl(354, 42%, 76%)",
"red-darker": "hsl(354, 42%, 28%)",
purple: "hsl(311, 20%, 63%)",
"purple-lighter": "hsl(311, 20%, 83%)",
"purple-darker": "hsl(311, 20%, 28%)",
extend: {
scale: {
175: "1.75",
200: "2",
225: "2.25",
variants: {
extend: {},
plugins: [],